Monday, August 8, 2011

my brain won't shut off...

So, for some reason, my brain doesn't want to go to sleep tonight...I've got lots of things running through my head, and although they aren't bad, I would love to go to sleep....but since I can't, I figured I would at least write (or type) out my thoughts and see if that, here we go :) 
     For a really long time my dad has told me that he feels like God has big plans for me, but I never knew what in the world those plans could be...but, I think I am starting to grasp what it COULD be...see, I've always had a place in my heart for kids, and for some reason kids seem to be drawn to me...and I never thought much of it till teenage girl once told me that she wished I was her mom, and though I thought it was very sweet, I also knew there was more to it than that...and it broke my heart. She wished I were her mom because she enjoyed spending time with me, but it wasn't just that. I listened to her. Not just with my ears, but with my heart. I think that is something that a lot of parents have forgotten to parents (I speak for myself as well) our nerves sometimes are so shot,and we get so busy that when our kids need us to listen, we don't. We either blow them off, or we get angry, or we simply don't know how to discuss the topic(s) they want to talk about. I.e, Sex. Yes, I said it...that nasty little 3 letter word...BUT, this is something our kids NEED us to talk about with them! Yes, there is the "right age", but with each child it differs, and the longer you put off talking to them about these things, the less of an opportunity you are going to have. Here's where I am going with this. When  parents don't talk to their kids about things like sex, drugs, or alcohol, the kids are going to get curious, and the "right age" to talk to them about these things seems to be getting younger and younger, and younger. It blows my mind to think that there are kids out there that are 12-13 years old that are losing their virginity, or getting into drugs, and alcohol because they are CURIOUS. Seriously, have you seen the number of teenage pregnancies we have in America?! It's heartbreaking! I know that curiosity isn't the only factor here, but still, it is very heartbreaking!  Now, I never got into drugs, but I knew enough to know that I never wanted to try them, I also knew enough about alcohol that made me not want to try that either...but sex (yes, there's that nasty 3 letter word again), I didn't know ANYTHING about sex. Not surprising as it is such a taboo topic, but that was the only thing that I was curious about, and ending up pregnant at 18 killed this cats curiosity. Now, I love my parents, and I happen to think that they did a good job raising me, but I was curious...So, here's where I am going with this; it seems to me that I have a Testimony to share with young kids. A testimony that they can relate to, and I think God wants me to share that with them. I'm not saying "God wants me to go into church and talk about sex with kids", I'm saying "I think God wants me to go into church and talk to these kids about the realities of what happens when you aren't Abstinent". You see, for some reason, kids like to talk to me. I can't figure it out, but I'm ok with that, because as long as they are talking to me, that means they are atleast talking to someone. Of course, if they ask me about these taboo topics, I refer them back to their parents because I believe there are some boundaries that shouldn't be crossed. So, all that being said...I want to start a class...I want to be someone that these kids can talk to (someone their parents know, and trust), and someone that they trust as well. I would like to teach these kids that it is PERFECTLY OK to wait! Teach them to respect themselves, and feel good about NOT having sex! The question is, where do I start? I know I need to get involved in a church first, and then find a lesson plan (i'm sure they are out there)...I really think this is what God wants me to do, and I am excited to find out...but I am going to need a lot of prayer because in order to put this plan into action, there's a few things I need to do first...#1 would be; get back into church........this life I live is bound to get crazy, but I'm holdin on for what I expect to be an amazing ride! :) feedback is appreciated, but not a must...